Making disciples of Jesus to the glory of God.
We are a gospel-centered church, connecting people to biblical community through groups, empowering them to go on mission with God.
[OV] is a member of the [Multiply]Family of Churches. Together we multiply disciples, leaders and new churches!
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Weekly Gatherings
Sundays // 10:10am
One worship time - music and message
Age-appropriate gatherings for kids - [OV]Kids
Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.
Ocean View Church in Norfolk, Virginia is a real church made up of real people. We have been loving God, loving people and making disciples in the Ocean View (OV) community since 1907.
Motivated by the gospel of grace, we lead people from where they are to where God wants them to be by helping them to love God, love people, and make disciples of all nations. This is the response to our call in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. (Matthew 22:36-40; 28:16-20)
During our in person gathering time, we offer groups for newborns to 5th grade.
Fun, bible-centered learning stations, and friends
**All [OV]Kids volunteers are background checked and trained
Wednesday Nights // 6:30-8:30pm
6th - 12th grades, building community and learning how to follow Jesus. Join the fun!